Center Denmark and Energy Cluster Denmark is leading the secretariat for the tool ’Energy- and CO2 accounts’
From January 2023 Center Denmark and Energy Cluster Denmark will manage the day-to-day-running and development of ’The Energy- and CO2-accounting for Municipalities’.
What is ’The Energy- and CO2-accounting for Municipalities’?
’The Energy- and CO2-accounting for Municipalities’ is a digital tool developed to help the Danish municipalities to plan and initiate their energy- and climate accounting. The purpose with this tool is to support the municipalities and the regions in their effort to reduce their CO2 emissions, energy production etc. It is owned by the Danish Energy Agency and is administered by a steering committee consisting of Local Government Denmark (KL), Danish Regions, representatives of the municipalities and regions and Realdania.
What is our job?
Center Denmark (CDK) and Energy Cluster Denmark’s (ECD) primary task will be to further develop the tool and be responsible for the day-to-day-operations of this. Both CDK and ECD have extensive experience with the energy system, the collection and use of data, as well as the digitization
of the energy sector and is therefore well chosen for this task.
We will facilitate an effective administration with communication of high quality and we offer competent feedback and a lively discussion with the developer, the steering committee and the users of the tool.
Below is an overview of the tasks we will manage:
- Conduct meetings with the steering committee, working group and the developer.
- Preparation of presentations for the annual development plan.
- Practice professional sparring with the steering committee, working group and the developer about further development of the tool.
- Quality assure the work with the tool.
- Manage user satisfaction, budget, and user payment etc.
- Explore the possibility of new data sources and partners.
- Organise webinars and seminars to increase user awareness of the tool.
- Act as a point of contact for user enquiries (customer support) and journalists etc.

Leader of the Secretariat
Is there a question you cannot find the answer to in the Q&A? Feel free to contact Leader of the Secretariat Søren Bernt Lindegaard, regarding questions about the day-to-day-operations.

Do you have any questions about the tool? Visit the Q&A on

Financial Controller
Do you have questions regarding the financial aspect? Feel free to contact Financial Controller Mette Straarup Jespersen.

Office Hours
We can be reached on tuesdays in the hours between 12:00-15:00.
Phone - Søren Bernt Lindegaard: +45 42 59 50 20