11486 Center Danmark 014

Center Denmarks Projects

As a Data Lake, Center Denmark actively participates in numerous projects, both domestically and internationally. We take immense pride in showcasing our dedication and hard work. On this page, you will discover the ongoing projects along with those that have been successfully completed.

Ebalance Plus Electric Line Cables Electricity Scaled


The project aims to increase energy flexibility of distribution grids, predict available flexibility, increase distribution grid resilience and design and test new ancillary models to promote new markets based on energy flexibility. These objectives allow unlocking the energy flexibility market in distribution grids to support energy prosumers and electric operators.

Duration: 02/2020 – 01/2024

Coordinator: DTU

Partners: 15

Countries: 10

Funding scheme: EU Horizon 2020

Budget:  Total budget:  9,5 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 255.000 DKK


Center Denmark Dataplatform


CitCom.ai delivers a European AI Testing and Experimentation Facility (AI TEF) for Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities. CitCom.ai includes 3 "super nodes" (Nordic, Central, and South) with satellites and sub-nodes across 11 EU countries. CitCom.ai leverages experience and expertise from established initiatives, co-funded by public and private sources. Center Denmark’s role is to provide inputs to European dataspaces and provide LL facilities.

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2027

Coordinator: DTU, IMEC

Partners: 33

Countries: 11

Funding scheme: Digital Europe

Budget:  Total budget: 298 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 9.5 mio. DKK


Byen Vinge Prækval 02 648X288

Real Time Performance Upgrade of Buildings

RePup develops, evaluates, and implements modular solutions for optimizing the district heating network. The project focuses on multi-story buildings and residential properties, where a Human-in-the-Loop solution optimizes the heating in each individual apartment based on quantitative data on temperatures, consumption, and CO2 content, as well as qualitative data on residents' perceived comfort. Center Denmark provides production and consumption data from the utility company.

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2026

Coordinator: Climify ApS

Partners: 8

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 18,5 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 300.000 DKK




The Elexia Project's main objective is to develop/upgrade tools for planning and managing integrated energy systems and achieving independence from fossil fuels. This is demonstrated in three demo sites in Høje-Taastrup (Denmark), Bergen (Norway) and Sines (Portugal). As a digital innovation hub, Center Denmark will help set up the digital infrastructure and data management.

Duration: 10/2022 - 10/2026

Coordinator: NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

Partners: 22

Countries: 8

Funding scheme: EU Horizon 2020

Budget:  Total budget: 95 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 5,6 mio. DKK

Demo sites: Høje-Taastrup, Bergen and Sines


DEH Logo Kvardratisk

Digital Energy Hub

DEH is Denmark's innovation hub, whose goal is to accelerate the green transition of the energy sector by creating digital solutions. The strategic partners will present specific challenges within the energy sector and then SME's will use relevant data to develop digital business models and solutions for these. Center Denmark will make tools, data and test facilities available for this project.

Duration: 03/2022 - 03/2025

Coordinator: Center Denmark

Partners: 12

Countries: DK

Funding Scheme:  

Budget:  Total budget: 23 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 7,7 mio. DKK


Cool Data Datacenter

Cool Data

The Cool Data project aims to develop a flexible cooling and storage system, powered by artificial intelligence. The system stores renewable energy when there is plenty of it while allowing surplus heat from the servers to be used for district heating. Center Denmark's platform enables the project partners to test and demonstrate the project solutions and hosts the research models and software.

Duration: 09/2020 – 02/2024

Coordinator: DTU

Partners: 8

Funding scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 18,3 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 1 mio. DKK




ARV is a project aiming at increasing the building renovation rate and creating climate positive circular communities, where people can thrive for generations to come. Center Denmark will as a digitalization hub handle all the data for this and is therefore key for this development.

Duration: 01/2022 - 12/2025

Coordinator: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Partners: 35

Countries: 7

Funding scheme: EU Horizon 2020

Budget:  Total budget: 158 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 4,4 mio. DKK

Demo sites: Sønderborg, Palma de Mallorca, Trento, Utrecht, Karviná and Oslo.


Top Up Adobestock 287701220


TOP-UP develops tailored solutions for the Groningen (NL) and Copenhagen (DK) energy systems - which prioritize changes to their heat networks due to unique regional challenges - and studies how these solutions can be scaled and customized to other regions, making best use of local renewables, and reducing the dependency on fossil fuels.

Duration: 12/2019 - 11/2023

Coordinator: Groningen University

Partners: 8

Countries: DK & NL

Funding scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 7,2 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 450.000 DKK




The objective of this projects is to increase energy efficiency at Hirtshals Port through data driven analysis. Requirements for data forecasting, optimization of green electricity consumption, flexibility, grid capacity and services for electricity markets will be analysed along with possibilities for sector coupling at the port. Center Denmark provides the data platform used for collecting data and making it available for analysis and integrations.

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025

Coordinator: Aalborg University (AAU)

Partners: 9

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Elforsk

Budget:  Total budget: 13,7 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 1,7 mio. DKK

Demo site: Port of Hirtshals


Adobestock 271439094


HeatCheck is a project aiming to develop AI-driven services for optimizing heating systems in apartment buildings. New data from the apartment buildings and the existing data from the district heating companies are to be stored at Center Denmarks data platform and facilitated to the partners developing the AI-driven services. Experiences from the FED project and Heat 4.0 are fed into this project to unlock the potentials in the district heating system for improved operation.


Duration: 10/2022 - 03/2026

Coordinator: Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Partners: 10

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 14,6 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 2,1 mio. DKK


Center Denmark Den Digitale Rejse2

Smart Building Hub

The Smart Building Hub project focuses on the importance of empirical data for the design of both buildings and neighborhoods. When planning the electricity grid the energy consumption of buildings are of extreme importance.  In this project, Center Denmark is a vital part of the management and construction of e-infrastructure for real operation of buildings.

Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2028

Coordinator: SINTEF Community

Partners: 15

Countries: Norway

Funding scheme: 

Budget: Total budget: 26 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 300.000 DKK


Center Denmark Forside


Huildemand aims to develop energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for renovating single-family houses in Denmark. The project involves industry-academia collaboration to reduce energy use, improve air quality, and increase renewable energy. Extensive monitoring and evaluation will inform renovation guidelines for Denmark's climate goals. Center Denmark provides digital infrastructure and ontology input.

Duration: 08/2021 - 05/2024

Coordinator: Climify Aps

Partners: 7

Countries: DK

Funding Scheme: EUDP

Budget:  Total budget: 3,4 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 260.000 DKK


Missiongreenfuels Logo Trans


The vision for the MissionGreenFuels partnership is to contribute substantially to the Danish, European and global climate goals, specifically 70% carbon reduction by 2030 and net zero by 2050, and to support Danish research, innovation, growth, jobs, and export potential within the field of green fuel. Center Denmark provides relevant data for project participants.

Duration: 01/2022 - 05/2027

Coordinator: Aalborg University

Partners: 60

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 200 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 600.000 DKK


Adobestock 313594513

Innovationskraft: Danske klynger for viden og erhverv 2021-2022

The grant has been awarded to Denmark's 13 business clusters, where Center Denmark has participated in activities under Energy Cluster Denmark's grant. This has been done through access to relevant data, project applications for innovation activities, and workshops on the use of data and data-driven innovation in the energy sector.

Duration: 2021-2024

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark 

Funding Scheme: Danish Board of Business Development

Budget:  Total budget: 21.000.000 DKK / CDK budget: 250.000 DKK


Copper Logo


Center Denmark is a partner in the Interreg North Sea-funded initiative COPPER - Cities for Open and Participative Planning for Electricity grid Resilience

To prepare Europe’s local authorities to coordinate local energy systems, Center Denmark has joined a European-wide alliance of frontrunner municipalities, businesses, research organisations and DSO representatives to test Europe’s first wave of Local Energy Action Plans (LEAPs).

As part of the project, Center Denmark is collaborating with AAU and Fredericia Municipality to create a digital pilot to test different scenario's on Fredericia's electricity grid. 

Duration: 10/2023 - 10/2027

Coordinator: City of Ghent

Partners 16

Countries: 5

Funding Scheme: Interreg

Budget:  Total budget: 38 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 1,9 mio. DKK

Demo Sites: Dordrecht (The Netherlands), Bremen (Germany), Frecericia (Denmark), Varberg (Sweden), Ghent & Antwerp (Belgium)

Data Analysis_2

Center for Grøn Energi og Sektorkobling

Fyrtårn Syd Projekt

The “Center for Grøn Teknologi og Sektorkobling” project aims to establish a green energy hub in Southern Denmark. The project will foster innovation, collaboration, and growth in the energy sector, and will position Southern Denmark as a leader in the field. The project is arranged in several phases, where Center Denmark’s role in first phase is to ensure data from P2X facilities are delivered to the hub.

Duration: 05/2022 - 08/2023

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark

Partners: 2

Countries: DK

Funding Scheme: Danish Board of Business Development - REACT-EU

Budget:  Total budget: 11 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 900.000 DKK



AI Based Forecasting

Fyrtårn Syd Projekt

This project aims to develop an advanced IA based forecasting framework to assist the industry and district heating companies in utilizing sector coupling with the electricity grid more effectively. By using accurate forecasting techniques based on artificial intelligence methodologies, short- and medium-term future peak load periods can be identified and electricity consumption for heating can be shaved more efficiently and easily.  

Duration: 05/2022 - 08/2023

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark

Partners: 3

Countries: DK

Funding Scheme:Danish Board of Business Development - REACT-EU

Budget:  Total budget: 1,2 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 200.000 DKK


Proces Steps

Kvalificeret Arbejdskraft

Fyrtårn Syd Projekt

This part of the lighthouse project is crucial for the project to be realized, as both professional and academic competencies are required. The goal is to increase the enrollment rate in higher education and vocational schools in Southern Jutland and to upgrade the existing workforce.

Duration: 05/2022 - 08/2023

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark

Partners: 3

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Danish Board of Business Development - REACT-EU

Budget:  Total budget: 1,2 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 200.000 DKK


Connecting Dots


Fyrtårn Syd Projekt

Through data-driven analysis, this project will investigate the potential for purchasing electricity from large-scale offshore wind farms and energy islands for use in a regional ecosystem with sector coupling solutions, PtX production and infrastructure. The project will build knowledge and uncover commercial opportunities. Center Denmark collects the necessary data and makes it available for use in analyses.

Duration: 05/2022 - 08/2023

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark

Partners: 4

Countries: DK

Funding Scheme: Danish Board of Business Development - REACT-EU

Budget:  Total budget: 4,8 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 600.000 DKK




The energy production from solar and wind rises and falls more than traditional energy sources as weather conditions change. As more renewable energy is integrated in the future, the effect of fluctuating production will increase significantly. It challenges both security of supply and the stability of energy supply.

Varighed: 09/2019 - 12/2023

Coordinator: Energy Cluster Denmark

Partners: 8

Funding Scheme: European Regional Development Fund

Budget:  Total budget: 2,8 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 100.000 DKK



Nordic Energy Efficient Mortgage (NEEM)

The NEEM Hub is part of the Energy Efficient Mortgages Initiative and aim is to increase lending to energy renovations in the Nordics, by promoting energy renovations. The projects main goal is to develop a three-step guide for banks to offer customer-specific energy renovation recommendations based on data-driven building energy performance modelling results. Center Denmark’s role is to provide the project with high quality data on building consumption and weather from various sources.

Duration: 07/2021 - 05/2023

Coordinator: Copenhagen Economics A/S

Partners: 9

Countries: The Nordic Countries

Funding scheme: EU Horizon 2020

Budget:  Total budget: 11 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 540.000 DKK


Heat2 (1)

Heat 4.0 

HEAT 4.0 aims to create the next generation digital platform for the district heating industry. It is a high-tech platform that creates synergy between the design, operation, and maintenance of district heating systems by integrating the latest technologies and research knowledge into one comprehensive product: HEATman. The result is a maximized economic and ecological effect.

Duration: 01/2021 - 08/2022

Coordinator: NIRAS

Partners: 18


Funding Scheme: Innovation Fund Denmark

Budget:  Total budget: 6,3 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 270.000 DKK


Black Windmill 33493

Flexible Energy Denmark (FED)

Center Denmark is a key partner in the Flexible Energy Denmark project. The project focus on digitalization and making energy consumption flexible. Digital solutions will unlock flexibilities in the Living Labs. During this project, the basic principles were developed for a data lake with AI-tools and solutions for the participating Living Labs.

Duration: 04/2019 - 04/2023

Coordinator: EWII

Partners: 24

Countries: DK

Funding scheme: Innovationsfonden (30 mio. DKK)

Budget:  Total budget: 43,6 mio. DKK / CDK budget: 4,4 mio. DKK